
I'm not here to make friends

Ion Dam

no matter what your current state is - deal with it

no matter what your current state is - it could be better

it's all about entertainment

yesterday paradise

restored memory

where is the work?


sound of disappointment

made by mistake

the promise




24 last pictures








24 last pictures (2010)

For the „last pictures“ work I asked 24 friends of mine to let me the last negative of one of their analog films. In my opinion a last picture is always a special one because it is the picture you are most aware of. Even if you know that it is your last picture and you put your hand in front of the lense because you just want the film to be exposed. Some of the ›last negatives‹ I received have never been exposed before, so I got a collection of 24 last pictures, some of them never seen before.



# slideshow